Saturday, December 6, 2008

Holiday Projects

The design team also came up with a bunch of cute projects with the December kit, here they are: Wall Hanging by Kari Ann Sweeney
Holiday Planner by Cheryl Nelson
Plaque by Cheryl Nelson
Ornament by Pam Callaghan
Gift Box by Helen Croft
Hope everyone is as inspired by these as I am-these are perfect example of what you can create for the December Handmade Holidays Contest!
Have a great weekend!


Lydia Siegel said...

Fanstatic projects!

brigid16 said...

Hloy crap that stuff is cute!!! Wow they are so creative!

SnapScrapRepeat said...

Thee are just yummy! You rocked out the kit for AWESOME colors and its easy to see in these holiday projects!